

我们是全球领先的工作场所和设施亿宝彩票app官网解决方案供应商。 我们的战略侧重于大客户和综合设施亿宝彩票app官网。 2020 年 12 月,亿宝彩票app 启动了 One亿宝彩票app 战略 , 以加强运营模式并显著提高执行力。 该战略建立在我们信念的基础上 , 即在创造公平包容的社会方面发挥我们的作用 , 它概述了一条通向可持续的中等个位数利润率、增长和弹性现金流的清晰道路。

Financial reports for 亿宝彩票app A/S

亿宝彩票app reports full financial disclosures twice a year and releases quarterly trading updates. 亿宝彩票app strives to provide transparent, open and appropriate information to investors, analysts and stakeholders at all times.

Financial reports for 亿宝彩票app Global A/S

Click here to see the 亿宝彩票app Global A/S financial reports.


Below you will find investor presentations related to our previous events including webcast.
