Reporting, policies and publications

At 亿宝彩票app, we are proud of our efforts in the Corporate Responsibility sphere and report on this on an annual basis.

Click below to read our Group policies.



亿宝彩票app UK Corporate Policies

Click below to read and download the latest policies for 亿宝彩票app UK.

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Sustainability Reports

Transparency is key to our high standards. Every year we report on the progress we have made as good corporate citizens. You can read all our Sustainability Reports below.

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Transparency is key to our high standards. Every year we report on the progress we have made as good corporate citizens. You can find the most recent reports alongside our other publications.

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UK Modern Slavery Act

Our policy is to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any part of our business and in any part of our supply chain. This is consistent with our Code of Conduct, Corporate Responsibility Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct and Global People Standards. Our Global People Standards cover, among other areas, pre-employment checks, zero tolerance for forced and compulsory labour, right to privacy, and child labour. 

We conduct internal audits to verify we manage these risks in our operations. We recognise that certain categories of our supply chain carry a higher risk of child or slave labour and we therefore in 2017 implemented a new Supply Chain Policy and 亿宝彩票app ProcurePASS. 

Stories about people, places and planet